slight trip off topic--who remembers words like
am finding a whole lot of acronyms that are really foreign to me and i now have an appreciation for what cult language sounds like to non-culters.
wondering please if you can post your definitions so i can get up to speed.
otherwise, as an indoctrinated ex-culter, i am inclined to create my own new light and swiftly it will be gospel.
slight trip off topic--who remembers words like
how many would be up for a decent sized uk meet up?.
i haven't been to any and would happily help organise one.. snare .
where abouts are you snare ?
i know lots of UK XJ's--many are on a FBook site --members only. i can promote your meet up on there if you want.
its been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
first let me preface my statements about my wife has such: .
she is allowed to believe what she wants and however blind .
and brainwashed i believe she is....she has her rights..
sometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.
this happened more than one year ago.
i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.
just tell her to report to the police she feels frightened and intimidated by these 2 men who keep pestering her. she has to say she feels her life may be in danger because they seem to be deranged. make sure all that is on police record.
then--she gets a gun and shoots them dead if they threaten her again. but she might still end up disfellowshipped.
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
our youngest son and his wife (matt and star) welcomed a baby boy yesterday at 7:04 p.m. ivan tomas, 7 lbs.
11 oz., 20 1/4" long.
he is their second child.